Regulation of Public-Private Partnership in IT-Sphere in Commonwealth Considered in Tavricheskiy Palace

11 May 2023

Regulation of Public-Private Partnership in IT-Sphere in Commonwealth Considered in Tavricheskiy Palace

The IPA CIS headquarters hosted a meeting of the International Round Table “Legislative Development and Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships in the Sphere of Information Technologies in the CIS Member Nations” as part of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitry Kobitskiy welcomed the participants of the round table. He noted that the topic of public-private partnership is actively discussed within the framework of the Interparliamentary Assembly. A collection of model laws, methodological recommendations and practices on the development and application of PPP mechanisms in the Commonwealth states has been developed.

In a special tribute to the professional assistance of the practitioners, head and partner of the “Best Chance” SA Alexander Dolgov and Konstantin Makarevich were awarded the commemorative medals “IPA CIS. 30 years”.

Alexander Dolgov spoke about the directions of development of PPP legislation and regulation in IT-sphere. Among them are: fixing in the legislation provisions allowing to conclude agreements with two or more partners; providing opportunities for specialized funds and development institutions to finance IT projects; providing for specialized funds and development institutions protection mechanisms similar to banking protection; fixing the possibility of transferring a non-exclusive license for an IT object to a concessionaire for the implementation of similar projects and others.

The participants of the round table discussed the special features of the preparation and implementation of the PPP projects in the field of IT in the CIS countries, the current status and development of the legal framework for the successful preparation and implementation of investment projects, and also reviewed the best practices for the preparation and implementation of PPP projects in IT and promising project initiatives in the CIS countries.
