Inauguration Ceremony of President of Russian Federation Took Place

07 May 2024

Inauguration Ceremony of President of Russian Federation Took Place

On 7 May, the inauguration of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia was held in the St Andreyevsky Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

He took the oath of office and officially assumed the presidency. As a result of the elections held in the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin was re-elected head of state for six years.

“We are confidently looking forward, planning our future, outlining and already implementing new projects and programs to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful. We are a united and great nation, and together we will overcome all obstacles and realize everything we have planned” – the President said.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin, members of the Constitutional Court, the government, the Central Election Commission and other honorary guests.

The presidential elections in Russia took place from 15 to 17 March. The final turnout, including remote electronic voting, was 77.49%. Vladimir Putin won with 87.28% of the votes.

A group of 60 international observers from the IPA CIS took part in the monitoring of the elections. During the voting days, they visited 215 polling stations in the regions of Russia, as well as abroad. The group noted high turnout, awareness of voters, and security at polling stations.

The conclusion prepared by the observers states that the elections were held with respect for the rights of all participants in the electoral process, were consistent with democratic principles, and were free and fair.
