More than 800 Schoolchildren from CIS Countries Sent Applications for Participation in International Olympiad in Humanities and Social Sciences

15 February 2024

More than 800 Schoolchildren from CIS Countries Sent Applications for Participation in International Olympiad in Humanities and Social Sciences

The qualifying stage of the International Olympiad in Humanities and Social Sciences for schoolchildren from CIS countries will be held until 1 April 2024. Today more than 800 schoolchildren from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia have already registered for participation in the intellectual competition.

Among those who applied are not only residents of capitals and big cities, but also children from settlements, villages and auls.

The qualifying round of the Olympiad is held in ”Social Science“ and ”Russian Language“ in absentee form remotely. 

The main objective of the Olympiad is to promote knowledge about the principles of democratic development of modern society, parliamentarism and human rights.

The competition will help to develop creative abilities and interest in scientific knowledge of the world, strengthen friendly relations between students of CIS countries, identify and support talented schoolchildren.

The decision to organize the International Olympiad in Humanities and Social Sciences for schoolchildren of the CIS countries was adopted by the IPA CIS Council, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saratov State Law Academy, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

To participate in the qualifying round of the Olympiad it is necessary to fill in the participant's questionnaire, after which the data for entering the Olympiad system will be sent by e-mail.