Days of the Armenian cultural heritage in the Tavricheskiy Palace

07 April 2014

Days of the Armenian cultural heritage in the Tavricheskiy Palace

Days of the Armenian cultural heritage are launched in the Tavricheskiy Palace. The events are sponsored by the IPA CIS.

Alexey Sergeev SecGen This year in Russia is dedicated to be the Year of Cultural Heritage, and so we decided to let our premises, the Tavricheskiy Palace which has been the seat of the IPA CIS for over two decades, to be used to celebrate days of national cultural heritage of our Member Nations. Today, we launch the program of the Days of the Armenian Cultural Heritage, a very appropriate occasion indeed, since today is also the holy Day of Benediction which also happens to be the Day of Motherhood and Womanhood, ever nascent beauty and spring revival in Armenia.  

Hayk ChilingarianPR of the Armenian National Assembly at the IPA CIS Benediction of the Holy Mother Mary is a major festive date. Believers celebrate the evangelistic story of the apparition of Archangel Gabriel announcing to virgin Mary of the forthcoming birth of baby Jesus. It is very appropriate date to celebrate motherhood and womanhood beauty and spring.

Grayr Karapetian Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in SPB  I am a frequent visitor of the Tavricheskiy Palace, the seat of the IPA CIS. However, today is a special occasion, a true communion of cultures.