IX Moscow Legal Forum Discussed Electoral Process and Sustainable Development

15 April 2022

IX Moscow Legal Forum Discussed Electoral Process and Sustainable Development

Today, the conference “Man, Society, State in the Perspective of Sustainable Development: Challenges, Trends, Image of the Future” was held within the framework of the IX Moscow Legal Forum “Legaltech: Scientific Solutions for Professional Legal Activities”.

Head of the Department of Constitutional and Community Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Doctor of Law, Professor Valentina Komarova opened the conference. IIMDD IPA CIS expert, Executive Director of the Russian Foundation for Free Elections, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Maxim Leskov addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. Member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation Anton Lopatin made a report on modern technologies in the electoral process.

Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council – IIMDD Director, Doctor of Law, Professor Ivan Mushket made a report “Activities of Public Authorities on Countering Foreign Interference in Electoral Processes”.

The Moscow Legal Forum is aimed at providing a venue for the professional dialogue for the representatives of leading law schools of the Russian Federation and other countries, the Government and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and other Russian public authorities, as well as students, graduate students and young scientists.