Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (YIPA CIS)
The Youth Interparliamentary Assembly was established by the decision of the IPA CIS Council of 22 November 2012 and will consist of young parliamentarians delegations from Member Parliaments
On 29 March 2013, the Tavricheskiy Palace in St Petersburg hosted the first session of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations.
The Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (YIPA CIS) was established by the decision of the IPA CIS Council of 22 November 2012 and consists of young parliamentarians delegations from Member Parliaments representing:
- national, regional, local and municipal legislatives under 35 years of age (up to three persons);
- youth parliaments and youth-based representative organizations with consultative status with the national CIS parliaments, youth civic and community leaders (up to three persons).
YIPA CIS supports the IPA CIS in its law-making effort and in drafting decisions concerning the young generation in the CIS. It also contributes to the drafting of recommendations on current social, economic and political matters in the CIS.

Alexander Lukyanov

Margarita Levina
Phone: +78124045776