CIS Observer Team Summs up Results of Monitoring of Parlimentary Elections in Republic of Uzbekistan

23 December 2019

CIS Observer Team Summs up Results of Monitoring of Parlimentary Elections in Republic of Uzbekistan

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided a venue for the press conference of the CIS Observer Team, which concluded the monitoring activity of the preparation and holding the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Head of the CIS Observer Team, Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev, Chairman of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Republic of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Khudoyorzoda, Chairperson of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurjan Shaildabekova and Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Dmitriy Kobitskiy attended the press conference.

Head of the CIS Observer Team Sergey Lebedev opened the press conference and noted highly professional activity of the election administration authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and particularly the Central Election Commission. The new Electoral Code adopted in June 2019 has enabled citizens to freely express their will on transparent and competitive basis. The Head of the CIS Observer Team briefed on the long- and short-term monitoring performed from 26 November to 22 December 2019 and provided some statistical data collected by the Team on the election day. The Team included 182 observers from eight CIS Member Nations.

Chairperson of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurjan Shaildabekova briefed on the work of 23 international observers from the Kyrgyz Republic. She noted the considerable efforts of the election administration authorities and the government to increase the inclusiveness of the electoral process.

Chairman of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Republic of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Khudoyorzoda told about the long- and short-term monitoring performed by the group of international observers from the Republic of Tajikistan at the Bukhara, Andijan, Namangan regions, as well as in Tashkent.

Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Dmitriy Kobitskiy informed the public on the monitoring performed by the IPA CIS international observers. He described the elections as constitutional, held in open and adversarial manner. He also commended high level of preparation for the elections and high-quality media coverage of the electoral campaign and voting procedure.

All the participants of the press conference agreed that the elections were held on high organizational level within the framework of intense political competition. Minor technical deficiencies detected by the observers were not systematic and have not influenced the outcomes of the elections.

According to the conclusion of the international observers, the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted on 22 December 2019 were held with respect for the rights and freedoms of all the stakeholders of the electoral process, in accordance with generally recognized democratic principles, as well as with the international commitments of the Republic of Uzbekistan.