Final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission took place in Moscow

19 March 2018

Final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission took place in Moscow

The final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission was held in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Mission, First Deputy Executive Secretary of the CIS Viktor Guminskiy noted that the CIS Observer Mission recognized the legitimacy, openness and competitiveness of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

The Mission included 320 observers from the countries of the Commonwealth who have monitored the preparation and holding the elections since 19 February 2018.

IPA CIS Observer Team Coordinator, First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Ziyafet Asgarov said that, according to the opinion of the observers, the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation kept in line with the universally recognized international standards. The Central Election Commission, territorial and district election commissions did a big job to prepare the elections.

The participation in the electoral campaign of a significant number of presidential candidates ensured real choice opportunities. The electoral campaign ran without any violation, all the conditions were created for the international observers to fulfill their duties.

According to Ziyafet Asgarov, based on the results of the monitoring of the elections, the IPA CIS observers concluded that the presidential elections in the Russian Federation held on 18 March 2018 complied with the requirements of the national legislation and international electoral standards.