IPA CIS Observers Outlined Working Schedule for Election Day in Azerbaijan Republic

08 February 2020

IPA CIS Observers Outlined Working Schedule for Election Day in Azerbaijan Republic

The IPA CIS Observer Team at the elections to the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic held an organizational meeting in Baku.

The meeting was opened by IPA CIS Observer Team Coordinator, First Deputy Speaker of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sodiq Safoyev and Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Dmitriy Kobitskiy.

Sodiq Safoyev explained the composition of the team and main objectives of the team’s work. The meeting outlined the goals for the short-term monitoring, as well as the main principles and standards for the observers.

Furthermore, the observers got acquainted with the results of long-term monitoring, analytical and reference documents prepared by the experts.

Director of the IIMDD IPA CIS Ivan Mushket briefed the participants of the meeting on the schedules of the Observer Team members, including on the election day.

Today, the IPA CIS Observer Team will have a meeting with the officials of the Central Election Commission and the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, as well as political parties and public associations participating in the elections.