IPA CIS observers participated in the seminar "Youth Elects and Gets Elected" in the Azerbaijan Republic

28 March 2018

IPA CIS observers participated in the seminar

The IPA CIS observers, Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Director of the IIMDD IPA CIS Dmitriy Gladei and Head of the IIMDD IPA CIS Expert Team, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Stanislav Tkachenko, participated in the seminar "Youth Elects and Gets Elected" during their working visit in the Azerbaijan Republic as part of the long-term monitoring of the presidential elections. The seminar was organized by the Baku field office of the IIMDD IPA CIS supported by the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic in the city of Khachmaz.

The seminar was attended by Chair of the Committee on Youth and Sport of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Fuad Muradov, MPs of the Milli Mejlis Eldaniz Salimov and Azer Badamov, Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council, Plenipotentiary Representative of Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Aidyn Jafarov, Member of the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic Gabil Orudzhev, representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Azerbaijan Republic Fuad Babayev, representatives of the executive bodies and district election commission of the Khachmaz district, staff members of the IIMDD IPA CIS.

Dmitriy Gladei spoke about the efforts made by the IIMDD IPA CIS to raise awareness of the youth on the electoral process including the organization of the educational courses for high school and university students, essay-writing competitions on elections-related topics, seminars and roundtables on relevant electoral issues. He stressed the importance of engaging young people in the deliberations and decision-making process. He also described the work carried out by the Election Commission of the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation including its permanent body, the Youth Election Commission.

Stanislav Tkachenko reported on the experience in engaging young people in the political activities through participation in the elections in some Russian regions and countries of the European Union.

After the seminar the IPA CIS observers visited two district election commissions: № 55 (city of Khachmaz) and № 56 (countryside district of Khachmaz). They were accompanied by Member of the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic Gabil Orudzhev.

Chairs of the commissions informed on the preparation for the elections on 11 April 2018 including the hosting of training seminars for the members and district and local commissions and further testing of skills obtained during the courses.

As part of the long-term monitoring, the IPA CIS observers also visited a district election commission in the city of Khachmaz and found that the polling stations were completely prepared and fully equipped for the elections.