IPA CIS Observers to perform long-term monitoring of the presidential election in the Kyrghyz Republic

14 September 2017

IPA CIS Observers to perform long-term monitoring of the presidential election in the Kyrghyz Republic

In the course of the long-term monitoring of the presidential election in the Kyrghyz Republic scheduled for 15 October 2017, members of the IPA CIS Observer Team, composed of IPA CIS Secretariat staff members and IIMDD experts, are going to visit Bishkek and Osh, as well as towns of Jalal-Abad, Osh and Chui regions on 18–20 September.

As part of the monitoring activities on 18 September 2017, the observers will participate in a round table in the form of a public dialogue, dedicated to relevant issues of electoral reform in Kyrgyzstan, and organized by the IIMDD Bishkek Office jointly with the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums of the Kyrghyz Republic.

The observers will also meet with Chair of the CEC Nurjan Shaildabekova and CEC members, as well as with heads of territorial and precinct electoral commissions, regional governance bodies, representatives of republican and regional headquarters of presidential candidates in five of the nine regions of Kyrghyzstan.