8th Meeting of CIS Advisory Board on Inter-regional and Trans-border Cooperation Takes Place in Yerevan

13 December 2019

8th Meeting of CIS Advisory Board on Inter-regional and Trans-border Cooperation Takes Place in Yerevan

The event brought together the representatives of seven CIS Member Nations.

Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of the Republic of Armenia Vache Terteryan opened the meeting. During the meeting, participants presented information on the state of inter-regional and trans-border cooperation in their countries, as well as discussed issues related to the activities of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the context of strengthening inter-regional relations, and a number of other topics. Furthermore, the participants considered the draft CIS Concept of Inter-regional and Trans-border Cooperation until 2030.

Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, member of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Practices of State-Building and Local Government Edward Andreasyan and Secretary of the Permanent Commission Elena Fominenko represented the IPA CIS at the event. During the event, Elena Fominenko delivered a report on the CIS Convention on Cross-Regional Cooperation.

Following the meeting, the representatives of the CIS Member Nations signed the protocol, which approved the decision to hold the 9th Meeting of the CIS Advisory Board on Inter-regional and Trans-border Cooperation in the Republic of Uzbekistan.