Experts to Discuss Relevant Issues of Digital Development in Tavricheskiy Palace

12 February 2020

Experts to Discuss Relevant Issues of Digital Development in Tavricheskiy Palace

On 18 February 2020, a meeting of the IPA CIS Experts Council of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (IPA CIS – RCC Expert Council) will be held in the Reading Hall of the Tavricheskiy Palace.

The event will bring together scientists, politicians, representatives of public organizations, including member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport Nikolai Ivanov; Director General of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications Nurudin Mukhitdinov; Chairman of the Board of the Regional Public Organization “Center for Internet Technologies” (ROCIT) Mark Tverdynin, Doctor of Technical Science, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academic adviser of the “OKB SAPR” Valeriy Konyavskiy; Scientific Director of the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Rafael Yusupov; representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Corresponding Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Professor Alexander Surygin, etc.

Participants of the meeting will discuss modern trends in the development of digital technologies, as well as legal issues of digital development of society in the CIS. They will consider the Long-Term Plan for Model Law-Making in the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2020–2022 in the part related to digital development.

Experts will evaluate the prospects of developing a Model Law on Ending Violations in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies and the revised Model Information Code for the CIS Member Nations.

The meeting will also consider the draft Model Law on Digital Development, which is currently being developed by the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport. Following the discussion at the last meeting of the Commission, the draft was sent for assessment to the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, the IPA CIS – RCC Expert Council and other specialized organizations. The meeting is expected to formulate a relevant expert opinion.

The IPA CIS pays special attention to the development of model legislation in the field of digitalization and digital development as one of the most relevant areas of law-making. The Assembly regularly holds events dedicated to this topic, including meetings, seminars, and parliamentary hearings. In 2021, it plans to organize an international conference on the legal support of the digital development of society; information on preparations for the conference will also be presented at a meeting of the Expert Council.