IPA CIS Board of Experts on Public Health held its regular meeting in the Tavricheskiy Palace
31 March 2016
Chairperson of the IPA CIS Board of Experts on Public Health, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuriy Scherbuk opened the session.
The session was attended by representatives of parliaments from the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as researchers and experts.
The participants of the session focused on joining efforts to improve the quality of medical service, pharmacological support and respect for child patients’ rights in the CIS countries. The topics reported by the speakers of the meeting included:
• new challenges in maternal and child health care;
• Improving the quality of healthcare for children and child patient advocacy: WHO strategy, concept and tools;
• pharmacological support and respect for child patients’ rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• antibiotic resistance of pathogenic agents of children as a global international challenge;
• innovative surgical technologies in child traumatology and orthopedics, modern achievements, challenges and solutions;
• rehabilitation of children with hearing disorders;
• pediatric tuberculosis as a social infection in the CIS countries;
• medical and legal aspects of technological innovations in pediatrics.
The meeting also discussed recommendations on harmonizing the legislation of the EAEC member states in the field of enforcement of child rights to healthcare in state and municipal educational institutions.
The Members of the Board discussed the Draft CIS Cooperation Program on Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes for 2016-2020 and focused on the Suggested Inclusions to the CIS Plan of Model Law-Making for 2016-2020.