IPA CIS delegation attended the military parade, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of complete liberation of Leningrad

27 January 2019

IPA CIS delegation attended the military parade, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of complete liberation of Leningrad

A military parade, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist siege, took place on the Dvortsovaya Square in St. Petersburg. Commander of the Western Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Alexander Zhuravlyov ran the parade.

Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Makarov, Acting Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov watched the parade with the audience. Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Yury Osipov and Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Aydin Jafarov attended the event on behalf of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, siege survivors and homefront workers became the honorary guests of the parade.

Over 2,500 military personnel and law enforcement officers, around 100 units of military hardware took part in the parade. Cadets of military academic institutions, wearing the uniforms of the Red Army, the Red Navy and militiamen of the Great Patriotic War times, marched the Dvortsovaya Square.