IPA CIS prepares a model law on Lasting Tribute to the Courage and Valor of the Commonwealth Nations

27 January 2014

IPA CIS prepares a model law on Lasting Tribute to the Courage and Valor of the Commonwealth Nations

Chair, IPA CIS Council Valentina Matvienko speaking at the commemorative gala concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete alleviation of the Nazi blockade of Leningrad that people throughout Russia and the CIS cherish the memory of the trials of the Blockade and the Great Battle of 1941 – 1945. All nations of the Commonwealth paid their due contribution to the common cause of overcoming the Nazi onslaught and its eventual elimination.

Last year the IPA CIS adopted a model law prohibiting the revival of Nazism and glorification of the Nazi criminals and their henchmen. Last October, IPA CIS launched a working group on a new model law on lasting tribute to the defenders of the homeland and national heroes.