St. Petersburg again in the mainstream of parliamentarism

16 April 2015

St. Petersburg again in the mainstream of parliamentarism

The session included heads of the CIS parliamentary delegations. Valentina Matvienko, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, opened the session.

She congratulated Mikhail Myasknikovitch and Andrian Candu on their election to lead the respective parliaments and their first time at the Council session in the new capacity.

Valentina Matvienko thanked the colleagues for supporting the Living Memories Tour.

The members of the Council discussed the agenda of the 42nd plenary session of the IPA CIS, monitoring results after the election to the lower chamber of the Parliament of Tajikistan. They were also briefed on the preparation of the monitoring mission to observe early presidential elections in Kazakhstan. The session covered matters on organizing the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress and the Eurasian Women Forum.

he members also unanimously voted to renew the mandate of Alexey Sergeev as Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council.