Valentina Matvienko meets with Mikhail Myasnikovitch

19 February 2015

Valentina Matvienko meets with Mikhail Myasnikovitch

The leaders of the upper chambers focused on interparliamentary cooperation and new opportunities after the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. They discussed the need to continue developing regional ties and further contribute to strengthening cooperation between Belarus and Russia. Mikhail Myasnikovitch thanked Valentina Matvienko for her leadership in building on the First Regional Forum of Russian and Belarus and preparing for the second forum.

V. Matvienko noted that the IPA CIS will host the commemorative plenary session in April. “The IPA CIS is actively drafting model laws in related spheres”, she said. The meeting included parliamentarians from the two countries and Alexey Sergeev, IPA CIS Council Secretary General.