Valentina Matvienko: "We will forever remember those who fell to defend peace and freedom. Human spirit is stronger than military hardware"

27 January 2015

Valentina Matvienko:

Valentina Matvienko Сhairperson of the IPA CIS Council Blockade of Leningrad is a truly epic chapter in our nation’s history.The 125 grams of bread, the daily personal ration, in the deadliest month of November 1941 and the convoy of flour delivered over the Road of Life will be forever engraved in our collective memory. This feat of courage, of a city besieged by the enemy supporting life, production and resistance, stands out in the history of mankind. Despite untold hardship and trials, Leningrad stood and overcame. We owe a debt of eternal gratitude for this victory to the defenders and residents of the city. We owe it to their fortitude and labors which were key to the eventual victory and deliverance. We will forever remember those who fell to defend peace and freedom. Human spirit is stronger than military hardware.