2017-2019 Security Cooperation Program discussed in Minsk

20 January 2016

2017-2019 Security Cooperation Program discussed in Minsk

The CIS executive committee is hosting the session of the Group of Experts on the alignment of the draft 2017-2019 CIS Program of Cooperation in Combating Terrorism and Other Violent Forms of Extremism and the relevant decision of the Council of Heads of State.

Inspired by the necessity to address the current changes in anti-terrorist/extremist efforts and based on the recognized principles and norms of international law, international commitments of the CIS countries and their national laws, the Program will include the following key objectives:

• draft proposals of the CIS bodies on possible vectors of anti-terrorist/extremist efforts;

• develop relevant legal framework;
• improve and harmonize relevant national laws;
• proceed with coordinated/common prevention, investigative and special operations;
• engage with international organizations;
• research, analysis and building knowledge in the sphere of terrorism;
• provide information support of the related cooperation;
• strengthen personnel training and career enhancement

The document is focused on further improvement of anti-terrorist/extremist cooperation across the CIS, its statutory and cooperation bodies.