Dmitriy Kobitskiy Presents Medals to Combat Veterans

04 July 2020

Dmitriy Kobitskiy Presents Medals to Combat Veterans

On 4 July, a solemn ceremony, devoted to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory, the 60th anniversary of opening of the memorial and the Veterans Day, took place on the Piskarevskoe Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

The ceremony was attended by Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Dmitriy Kobitskiy, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Oleg Ergashev, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of St. Petersburg Alexander Rzhanenkov.

Dmitriy Kobitskiy awarded the participants of the ceremony with the Medals “Combat Veteran” of the Committee on Warriors-Internationalists Affairs at the Council of the CIS Heads of State. He congratulated the participants on the Veterans Day, which is aimed at uniting the veterans of armed conflicts and local wars taking place after the victorious May of 1945 and has become a gesture to those doing hard and responsible service.

The ceremony was organized by St. Petersburg Non-Governmental Organization “Council of Disabled Warriors-Internationalists” and St. Petersburg Office of International Union of Public Associations “War Veterans Committee”.