Experts of Commonwealth Reached Agreement on Action Plan in Field of International Youth Cooperation

19 June 2024

Experts of Commonwealth Reached Agreement on Action Plan in Field of International Youth Cooperation

Today the expert group convened to refine and approve the Action Plan for 2025-2026 aimed in implementing the international youth cooperation of the CIS countries for 2021-2023 strategy.

Representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the IPA CIS and the CIS Executive Committee.

Experts refined and approved the draft of the Action Plan during the discussion. They decided to submit it for review to the CIS Foreign Ministers Council.

The CIS Youth Affairs Council prepared the document, including proposals from interested bodies of sectoral co-operation of the Commonwealth, the IPA CIS Council Secretariat and the Interstate TV and Radio Company “Mir”.

The draft comprises of 9 sections, each reflecting the content of the Strategy’s provisions. Included projects and events in the Action Plan are international in nature and involve participation of the CIS countries’ youth delegations.

The draft of the Action Plan is based on principles of maintaining continuity and development. The document includes traditional Commonwealth events, such as international project “100 Ideas for the CIS”, international contest of beauty and talents “Queen of Studentship”, International Festival of Creativity of Young People with Disabilities ”Eastern Fairy Tale”,  Youth Delphic Games of the CIS Member States, Youth public associations of the CIS member states forum.

Besides, new topics and formats of events, such as Forum of Young Entrepreneurs of the CIS countries, Youth Forum-Festival ”Culture Unites Us“, Festival of Rural Youth, International Forum of Social Initiatives of Youth of the CIS countries and others are included.

The draft of the Action Plan provides for activities to implement the international project “Youth capital of the CIS”, as well as events aimed to reinforce forms of the youth cooperation, dedicated to the Year of Volunteer Movement in the CIS.  There is range of events, aimed to expand youth themes in the Commonwealth's digital space.

Moreover, a separate section of the draft document provides information about events, aimed to preserve the memory of young generation about the Soviet people’s feat in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945, its results and lessons.

Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Cooperation Directorate Margarita Levina,  Head of the Model Law-making Department Tatiana Baranova,  Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Science and Education, Executive Secretary of the IPA CIS and RCC Expert Council Alexander Surygin, Advisor  to the Model Law-making Support Department, Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport Igor Minin, representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat at the  CIS Executive Committee Igor Borovko attended the work of the expert group of the IPA CIS Secretariat.
