IPA CIS Secretary General meets with PA CE partners in Strasbourg

25 April 2013

IPA CIS Secretary General meets with PA CE partners in Strasbourg

On the invitation of the PA CE, Alexey Sergeev took part in the second part of the Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

On 25 April 2013 Alexey Sergeev met with Wojciech Sawicki, Secretary General of the PA CE.

The leaders drew the outcomes of the international parliamentary conference Role of Parliamentary Organizations in Building a Europe without Dividing Lines that took place in St. Petersburg on 12 April 2013 in a new and inspiring format.

The Conference program included two plenary sessions dedicated to the role of parliaments in protecting and promoting human rights and the action to shift from mistrust to understanding. The Conference featured addresses by leaders of parliamentary delegations from the CIS and Europe, and by experts in international relations.