Alexey Sergeev: "Сare for traditions and ownership of homeland are two powerful spirit-building factors"

31 March 2014

Alexey Sergeev:


The campaign to rediscover the tourist landmarks in the CIS started following the decision of the CIS Heads of State on 25 October 2013 to nominate 2014 the Year of tourism, said Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Sergeev in an interview to the Golos Rossii radio. 

We organized extensive polling of experts, parliamentarians, Speakers of national parliaments, celebrities, researchers of history and simply folks in the street fr om across the CIS asking what landmarks would they show to their guests from another country? The result was a long list of natural and historical sites later to be named “Treasures of the Commonwealth”.

Alexey Sergeev SecGen, IPA CIS Council Care for traditions and ownership of homeland are two powerful spirit-building factors and I believe we managed to capture these two intangibles in our projects which initially was very lim ited.

Our mandate as an organization is to write model laws and to harmonize national legislation. Yet it is also important that we tell the story about the Commonwealth. We have come to like to travel to far-off places like Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Italy or tropical islands bringing back impressions of all those exotic places and all the while forgetting wonderful and striking sites right here in out backyards. So, we thought that we ought to popularize them. We want our people to go out there and witness the glory of those places.

The project “Treasures of the Commonwealth” started off as a very simple thins – a calendar. Every year IPA CIS prints a feature calendar. Last year it featured the capitals of the CIS. This time around we decided to go interactive. Every page of the calendar carries a QR-code that links you with the dedicated page on the official IPA CIS web-site featuring a particular landmark.

The SecGen said that the next series will be dedicated to the Great Victory.