Alexey Sergeev shared on the progress of implementing the Program on Drafting Model Legislative Acts and Hosting International Events in 2014-2016

23 May 2017

Alexey Sergeev shared on the progress of implementing the Program on Drafting Model Legislative Acts and Hosting International Events in 2014-2016

The IPA CIS Secretariat presented a progress report on the implementation of the Program on Drafting Model Legislative Acts and Hosting International Events in 2014-2016 at the meeting of the Committee of the Federation Council on Constitutional Law and State-Building and the meeting of the Board of the Chamber. IPA CIS SG Alexey Sergeev reported on the respective item at both meetings.

To organize the Program implementation in its entirety, the IPA CIS Secretariat engaged with the Committee of the Federation Council on Constitutional Law and State-Building.

The activities within the Program have been fully fulfilled. The results include:

·         drafting of 53 documents;

·         hosting of 6 international events (V and VI Road Safety Congresses, VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress, the Eurasian Women's Forum, etc.)

The developed model legislative acts and other documents were adopted by the IPA CIS, the outcomes of the events were considered and approved by the IPA CIS Council.

In his statements, Alexey Sergeev thanked the memebrs of the Board of the Chamber and the Committee and the staff for the efficient support and constructive engagement during the implementation of this important joint program.

During the meeting, Speaker of the Federation Council, IPA CIS Council Chairperson Valentina Matvienko awarded IPA CIS medal 25th Anniversary of the IPA CIS to Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov and Chair of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.