IPA CIS autumn session volunteers receive awards in the Tavricheskiy Palace

21 December 2018

IPA CIS autumn session volunteers receive awards in the Tavricheskiy Palace

The Tavricheskiy Palace hosted the awarding ceremony for the student volunteers, who had participated in preparation and organization of the International Conference “150th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Times of War, of Certain Explosive Projectiles: New Context, Undiminished Relevance” and the IPA CIS 48th Plenary Session.

Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Sergey Kourdin awarded the students with the certificates of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, signed by Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Yuriy Osipov.

“It is very pleasant that awarding of the volunteers here, in the Dumsky Hall, has become our good tradition. We are pleased to note that we see more of you with every year. You are the asset that always stays with us, we are proud of you and looking forward to your future assistance”, stressed Sergey Kourdin.

YIPA CIS Executive Secretary Margarita Safarova also attended the ceremony.