IPA CIS Council Secretary General met with leadership of international organizations

08 June 2017

IPA CIS Council Secretary General met with leadership of international organizations

During a working visit to Geneva, IPA CIS Council SG Alexey Segeev met with leadership of several international organizations in their headquarters.

The meeting with Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union focused on the discussion of the hosting of the 137IPU Assembly which will take place in the Tavrichesky Palace this October, and initiatives put through by the IPA CIS as an associate IPU member. The parties, inter alia, agreed to host a joint regional seminar for the CIS countries dedicated to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

During the exchange with Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union Malcolm Johnson, Alexey Sergeev spoke on the model law-making efforts of the IPA CIS in the field of ICT. Malcolm Johnson expressed big interest in the input of ITU experts in developing specific model laws including those countering fraud in telecom networks. He also suggested using ITU's practices in the field of combating cyber-crime. Founded in 1865, ITU is one of the oldest international organizations that unites 193 countries and hundreds of private telecom companies, and develops international telecom standards.

Alexey Sergeev also met with Director of the Bureau for Europe of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Vincent Cochetel and his team. The parties expressed satisfaction with their cooperation including through the UNHCR Office in Moscow and agreed to formalize their relations by signing a cooperation agreement. UNHCR representatives committed to contributing in drafting the IPA CIS model law Refugees, and other documents in this area.