27 March 2013


The Agreement was signed by the Heads of parliaments of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In 1993-95 they  were joined by Azerbaijan, Georgia (terminated its membership in 2010) and Moldova. Verkhovna Rada of the Ukraine acceded in 1999. Since 2006, Wolesi Jirga of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan participates in the sessions of the IPA CIS as an observer.
Over the two decades, the Assembly established itself as prominent actor in the post-soviet community. It passed 380 model laws, codes, recommendations and commentaries. 86% of them found their way into national laws of the CIS Member Nations.

IPA CIS is responding to the emergence of new contexts by adjusting legislation to the needs of globalization. A case in point is a series of new model laws on information and telecommunication setting the stage for the replication of matching national legislation across the CIS. This was an important contribution to the promotion of internet-based economy and commerce in the Commonwealth.