IPA CIS – RCC Board of Experts discusses model laws in the field of information and communication technologies

25 April 2019

IPA CIS – RCC Board of Experts discusses model laws in the field of information and communication technologies

On 24 April, a regular meeting of the IPA CIS Board of Experts and the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications took place in the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

The experts discussed the draft Model Law on Digital Notaries' Activities in Cross-Border Information Exchange and the revised ML on Scientific and Technical Information, as well as the drafting of the MLs on Digital Development and on Ending Violations in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies.

The meeting also presented the proposals of the IPA CIS – RCC Board of Experts to the Long-Term Plan of Model Law-Making in the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2016–2020.

The IPA CIS Council Secretariat was represented by Deputy Head of the Department for Model Law-Making in Social and Humanitarian Area Alexander Surygin.