The IPA CIS Council celebrated the New Year

27 December 2015

The IPA CIS Council celebrated the New Year

On the threshold of New Year Alexey Sergeev, the Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council addressed to the team of the IPA CIS and wished everybody a Happy New Year. He thanked the team for their professional skills, hard work and dedication.

Tens of Certificates of Honour were given to numerous officers of the IPA CIS for their contribution and dedication to the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS. People’s Artist of Russia, Honoured Artist of Ukraine Vasiliy Gherello was also given the IPA CIS Efficiency Decoration.

Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS, representative of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Aidyn Dzhafarov also addressed to the team and wished everybody a Happy New Year.

Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS, representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan also addressed to the Secretariat and thanked everybody for effective cooperation.

Victor Karpov, the IPA CIS Council of Veterans addressed to the team and wished a healthy and prosperous 2016.