Nurdinjon Ismoilov: Parliament Becomes a True Expression of People’s Will

31 August 2022

Nurdinjon Ismoilov: Parliament Becomes a True Expression of People’s Will

On the eve of the 31st anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nurdinjon Ismoilov spoke about the innovations in the work of the country’s parliament. According to him, much attention was paid to improving the quality of work of the MPs in terms of lawmaking. In particular, in order to create a legal basis for consistent reforms, amendments and additions was made to existing laws. In addition, the MPs of Uzbekistan strive to make the work of the parliament more open and transparent.

The initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to improve the mechanisms for establishing strong relations between the MPs and voters give the parliament the opportunity to deeply study the issues that concern the population.
