Seventh Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions to Focus on Development of Social, Economic and Spiritual Relations of Two Peoples

25 September 2020

Seventh Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions to Focus on Development of Social, Economic and Spiritual Relations of Two Peoples

On 28-29 September 2020, the Seventh Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions will be held under the auspices of the upper chambers of parliaments of the two countries – the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

On 25 September, in the run-up to the Forum, the Russian-Belarusian Youth Forum will be held via video-conferencing.

On 28 September, the Russian and Belarusian MPs will participate in the work of five thematic sections, which will be held online in Moscow and Minsk. Among the topics discussed there are “Parliamentary Dimension of Preservation of Historical Heritage and Strengthening the Unity of Fraternal Peoples”, “Joint Projects as a Factor of Stable Economic Development of Belarus and Russia”, “Feat of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War as a Basis to Promote Patriotism and Citizenship”, “Creating Conditions for Promotion of Social and Economic Activity of Rural Youth to Achieve SDGs in Russian and Belarusian Regions”, “Belarus and Russia: Improved Joint Actions to Counter Glorification of Nazi Ideology on International Platforms”.

The seventh meeting of the Youth Commission of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Inter-Regional Cooperation and High-Level Expert Session “Education as a Basis for Historical Memory and Further Integration Development of the Union of Belarus and Russia” will be also held via video-conferencing. The joint meeting of the business councils of the two countries will be dedicated to the development of industrial cooperation as a factor in the growth of economic integration between Russia and Belarus. The participants are expected to discuss the successful inter-regional experience of cooperation, issues of equal access to the markets of the two countries and systematic weaknesses on the way of cooperation.

On 29 September, the plenary session of the Forum will be held on the topic “Historical Heritage of the Great Victory as a Basis for Development of Social, Economic and Spiritual Relations of Peoples of Belarus and Russia”. It is expected that about 18 cooperation agreements and contracts between the regional authorities and companies of the two countries will be signed at the Forum.
