Vladimir Putin Discussed Results of Spring Session with Heads of Russian Parliament

01 August 2023

Vladimir Putin Discussed Results of Spring Session with Heads of Russian Parliament

A meeting between President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko took place in the Kremlin. The meeting summarized the results of the spring session of the Upper Chamber of the Russian parliament and discussed work plans for the next period.

Valentina Matvienko said that about 500 laws had been considered and approved, and the activity of senators had increased. Among the priority issues are support for the economy and domestic business, the social sphere and health care.

The President thanked MPs for their attention to social issues. “The work was quite intense and effective, and decisions were made in a timely manner”, said Vladimir Putin.

The Speaker of the Federation Council added that the nationwide voting day will be held in September: 20 governors will be elected, as will 26 legislative assemblies. About 40 percent of senators representing these regions will be new.

During the meeting, Valentina Matvienko spoke about a number of important international events held in the period of the spring session: the 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress in the IPA CIS headquarters, the 10th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions in Ufa, the patriotic project “Memory Train” with the participation of 200 school students from Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

“By the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we want to create a similar “Memory Train” for high-school students and invite all CIS countries”, the Speaker of the Federation Council said.

The Speaker of the Upper Chamber noted the increased intensity of inter-parliamentary contacts. “We have received 56 delegations of various levels in Russia, and there have been 57 visits by our senators to 24 countries at the invitation of our partners”, Valentina Matvienko added.

The day before, a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin was held to discuss the results of the spring session of the Lower Chamber of the Russian parliament.

According to Vyacheslav Volodin, the State Duma has identified several priorities in its work. He spoke about plans to hold expanded parliamentary hearings on the development of small and medium-sized businesses during the new session. Since the President has set the task to create conditions for businesses to develop more effectively, MPs intend to meet with entrepreneurs and the government to discuss this issue and work out solutions.

The President expressed hope that in a dialogue with the Government, the State Duma will always be able to find mutually acceptable solutions for the benefit of Russia’s development.

Photo: kremlin.ru