Parliament of Volunteers – Azerbaijan’19 project was presented in Baku
19 February 2019
On 18 February, the opening ceremony of the Parliament of Volunteers – Azerbaijan’19 project was held under the auspices of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic and the ASAN Könüllüləri (ASAN Volunteers).
Azerbaijan Service and Assessment Network (ASAN) was established by a decree of the Azerbaijan Republic President Ilham Aliyev in 2012. Head of the ASAN Human Resources and Training Department Orhan Demirli noted that the organization grew from 15 people to 17,000 volunteers and turned into the ASAN Könüllüləri movement, which implemented hundreds of youth projects.
The Parliament of Volunteers was developed for active young people in order to integrate them into political and legislative processes. About 1,300 people have already expressed their intention to join the project. For volunteers this will be an opportunity to study legislative processes, put through bills, attend meetings of parliamentary committees, and meet with members of the Milli Mejlis.