Business Program of Nevsky International Ecological Congress Released

07 April 2021

Business Program of Nevsky International Ecological Congress Released

The official website of the Ninth Nevsky International Ecological Congress has published the business program of the event to be held on 27-28 May 2021 at the IPA CIS headquarters in     St. Petersburg.

Sessions of the business program of the Congress address key issues of the development of national projects in the field of ecology and environmental protection, environmental safety, eco-education and the development of green energy.

The Congress will consist of a series of roundtables on the following topics:

  • National Strategies and Projects in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Protection. Exchange of Experience;
  • Rivers Without Borders: Integrated Water Resources Management;
  • Circular Economy;
  • The Arctic: Topical Environmental Issues
  • New Climate Policy

A number of sessions of the business program will be devoted to the problems of conservation and management of natural resources, modern challenges and solutions in the field of environmental safety.