Alexandr Borissov: "Educating a law-abiding road user is our immediate challenge"

10 September 2014

Alexandr Borissov:

Road safety remains tops the agenda of social and economic challenges in Russia, according to Alexandr Borissov, Vice-Charman of the FC Committee on Social Policies. To put the situation in numbers, consider that 1.2 mio people die in road accidents every year across the world. 50 mio are left living with permanent injuries. As of September, Russian authorities registered 143 thousand accidents killing 18 thousand people. Fortunately, this year the number of child deaths is substantially lower due to pro-active measures taken. Road safety goes far beyond the ambit of law enforcement. This is a challenge for educators, public health providers, civil society and youth leaders. Today the priority is to build a system of ongoing education and instruction in road safety.