CIS Statistics Committee presents the statistical profile of the CIS youth

09 January 2017

CIS Statistics Committee presents the statistical profile of the CIS youth

The CIS Statistics Committee published the collection entitled “The Youth in the Commonwealth of Independent States: A Statistical Profile”. According to Belarus Telegraph Agency (BelTA), more information on the publication is available in the website of the CIS Executive Committee.

The study is based on the official statistics provided by the CIS member nations` statistical services and the materials of the youth sample surveys. The publication includes information about various aspects of young people's life in the Commonwealth nations, such as migration, health, education, level and quality of life, the position of the youth in the labor market and their role in the work of legislative bodies. The authors hope that the collection will be of interest both to politicians and practitioners working in the areas that directly affect the lives of young people, as well as to researchers, community organizations and young people.

Back in 2014, the CIS Statistics Committee and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) engaged in the initiative to summarize the official statistics in a comprehensive publication. The collection comes with a booklet reflecting important aspects of young people's lives. The statistical collection and the booklet were sent to the governing bodies of all the CIS member nations and presented at high-level international forums.