Coordination of efforts on combating terrorism is being improved in the Commonwealth space

28 February 2017

Coordination of efforts on combating terrorism is being improved in the Commonwealth space

The X meeting of heads of the national anti-terrorist centers of the CIS member nations discussed the topical issues of cooperation of the competent authorities of the CIS nations in the field of combating terrorism.

The meeting brought together representatives of special services, security bodies and law enforcement agencies of 10 countries of the Commonwealth: the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In addition, heads of CIS sectorial cooperation bodies participated in the meeting. The bodies actively involved in the process of ensuring anti-terrorist security of the CIS countries are the CIS Executive Committee, the Secretariat of the Council of CIS Defense Ministers, the Coordination Service of the Council of the Commanders of the Border Troops, the Coordination Council of Prosecutors General etc. The meeting also included representatives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

A separate item on the agenda of the meeting concerned the intensification of information exchange with the use of the Specialized Data Bank of the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center to raise awareness of the competent bodies of the Commonwealth countries about persons perpetrating terrorism. Specialists of the CIS ATC proposed some innovations aimed at consolidating the operationally significant information in the possession of special services related to particular individuals.

The participants of the meeting also discussed measures aimed at improving the skills of heads of anti-terrorist subdivisions of the Commonwealth states and organization of joint exercises.