Draft recommendations “On Attestation of Scientific, Including Research and Pedagogical, Highly Qualified Workers” discussed in the Republic of Belarus

15 September 2017

Draft recommendations “On Attestation of Scientific, Including Research and Pedagogical, Highly Qualified Workers” discussed in the Republic of Belarus

Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus hosted an international symposium “System of State Attestation of Highly Qualified Research Workers”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Commission.

The Conference brought together scientists working in the field of attestation of qualified personnel, experts from government bodies, ministries and departments of the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Russian Federation, interested in improving the efficiency of the system of training of research personnel.

The Conference focused on the issues of improvement and legal support for the system of state certification of highly qualified research personnel, and defining unified criteria for the assessment of qualifying research papers and ways to improve their quality.