Galina Karelova: "Eurasian Women’s Forum will be a significant gathering"

01 September 2015

Galina Karelova:

According to Galina Karelova, women leaders in various domains have been in the forefront of boosting cooperation among nations and building a multi-polar world. It is also hard to overestimate the role of women in promoting a better understanding among people. Women were the source of a public demand for government action to promote decency, preserve spiritual values and protect and support family, she added.

“Given the worldwide relevance of the themes offered by the Forum, the current participant list has gone far beyond the CIS”.

The Forum will welcome more than 700 guests from 75 countries including Belgium, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Germany and France. The majority of them play a leading role in national politics, economy and culture contributing to the decision-making process.

“With such a scale we hope that the Forum will streamline our common action to strengthen international humanitarian efforts”.

The participants of the Forum will focus on women’s role in politics, economy, social welfare and charity. Besides plenary sessions and panels, the Forum will feature roundtables, presentations and thematic expos.

Galina Karelova stressed the current great momentum of the pre-Forum work. “It demonstrates the wish of the organizers to offer the guests a comfortable setting for discussions and a chance to admire the sights of Russia’s Northern Capital. We expect the Forum to become a significant event and kick-start regular international exchange hosted by our country to debate outstanding humanitarian challenges”, she concludes.