International conference "100th Anniversary of the Revolution in Russia and Contemporary Socialism" took place in the Tavricheskiy Palace

18 March 2017

International conference

In the year of the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions, the international conference 100th Anniversary of the Revolution in Russia and Modern Socialism was held in the Tavricheskiy Palace, the IPA CIS headquarters.

The plenary session was opened by Chairman of the Just Russia Party, leader of Just Russia's faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and President of Fair World Institute Sergei Mironov.

The event included two sections: "Political Lessons of the Russian Revolution of 1917. From radicalism and confrontation to social solidarity" and "Parliamentarism as the basis of political dialogue in the modern world. "

Participants discussed issues of conflict potential of the modern world, discussed the problems of social inequality and justice, heard presentations of the speakers dedicated to the theme "Social ideals of the working people and the global economy."

The conference featured lively discussions on the topics: "Political transformation in the context of modern information warfare and conflicts" and "International Left Movement and Contemporary Global Challenges".