Meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Member Nations at the Statutory and other Bodies of the Commonwealth takes place in Minsk

16 April 2019

Meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Member Nations at the Statutory and other Bodies of the Commonwealth takes place in Minsk

Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives drew the outcomes of the recent meeting of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers and discussed a number of cooperation issues, including the holding of the international events in the areas of mutual interest.

Within the consideration of the key issues, related to the meeting of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers in Moscow on 5 April, the Council of the Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives reviewed the adopted documents and set the objectives on their implementation.

As a follow-up to the meeting, the Council considered the report on the activity of the Council on Automobile and City Passenger Transport of the CIS Coordination Transport Conference on the organization and coordination of implementing the decisions of the Commonwealth supreme bodies, and took note of the information on holding of international events with the participation of the CIS Executive Committee.

The presiding Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus Nazarkuly Shakulyev presented the participants of the meeting the First Caspian Economic Forum to be held on 12 August 2019 in the Avaza National Tourist Area.

At the end of the meeting the Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives approved the nomination of the Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev as Head of the CIS Observer Mission at the early Presidential Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan to be held on 9 June 2019.