Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy will be discussed in Astana

19 July 2017

Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy will be discussed in Astana

A special meeting of the CIS Commission for the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy will be held in Astana on July 19-21, 2017. Members of the CIS Executive Committee, Commission for the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, energy ministries of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, nuclear enterprises of the CIS countries, The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM and the Federal Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety will discuss current issues of the use of nuclear energy.

Participants will discuss Strategic Master Plan Reclamation of Uranium Heritage in Central Asia developed by the IAEA which is necessary to coordinate the implementation of environmental rehabilitation of uranium heritage sites in Central Asia.The interstate target program Reclamation of Territories of EurAsEC Member States Affected by Uranium Mining Facilities was adopted to address the problems associated with uranium tailings in the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan.

The meeting will also consider initiative proposals with regard to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, including health care.