The 51st Plenary Session of the General Assembly held in Albania

20 June 2018

The 51st Plenary Session of the General Assembly held in Albania

The 51st Plenary Session of the General Assembly continues its work in Tirana (Albania). Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Irina Sokolova attended the meeting. Irina Sokolova in her welcome speech noted that IPA CIS and PABSEC maintain constants contacts, regularly send each other parliamentary delegations, and interact at various international venues. In 2016, the Protocol on Cooperation between IPA CIS and PABSEC was signed. Twice the meetings of the PABSEC General Assembly were held at the IPA CIS HQ in St. Petersburg. Many issues of the current agenda are common for IPA CIS and PABSEC.   

Irina Sokolova announced the participants of the meeting that: in this November the IPA CIS together with the ICRC will co-host an international conference in St. Petersburg dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868 on Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles Under 400 Grammes Weight, in December parliamentary hearings devoted to the digital economy will be held in IPA CIS HQ, and in spring of 2019,IPA CIS together with PACE, OSCE, PAM and IPU, will co-host an international conference on countering terrorism.

In addition, Irina Sokolova reminded the session participants that on 30 June celebration of the International Day of Parliamentarism will be held for the first time, the creation of which was initiated by the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.

The main topic of the agenda of the PABSEC General Assembly is the prospects of the development of digital economy and strengthening cooperation in cybersecurity in the BSEC Member States.

PABSEC was created in 1993 by the initiative of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey. It includes delegations from the parliaments of 12 member states of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

The PABSEC activities are aimed to strengthening the legal framework for multilateral economic, trade, social, cultural and political cooperation in the Black Sea region.

One of the most important aspects of the Assembly is the work that takes place in the three specialized Standing Committees - Legal and Political Affairs Committee; Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee; Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee.

The PABSEC General Assembly convenes twice a year and venue in the country of the President of the Assembly, who is the speaker of the parliament of a member country, by rotation for a period of six months. In this time the presidency passes from the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Armenia. The delegation of the Republic of Armenia at the PABSEC session is headed by the Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov.