First day of State Duma: Business Game for School Students Held at Tavricheskiy Palace
12 April 2024
The Tavricheskiy Palace – the headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS – hosted a business game called “The First day of the State Duma”. The participants were students from a Moscow law school.
Before the game started, the children were given a tour of the state rooms of the Tavricheskiy Palace and introduced to the exhibition “The First day of the State Duma”.
Students saw the popular science movie “The day between the past and the future…”. The plot of the movie established the basis of a business game, in which special cards were used, it was necessary to create a detailed story about the great day of the beginning of the work of the State Duma of the Russian Empire.
The game allowed the participants to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of Saint Petersburg at the beginning of the XX century and imagine the heat of the political struggle.
The popularisation of the history of parliamentarism, the transfer of knowledge about how the legislative work was formed, how democracy developed, how civic consciousness grew, what ideas and principles the first deputies defended – all this is one of the important vectors of the IPA CIS.
Various forms of work with schoolchildren are being developed by the Assembly`s Center for the History of Parliamentarism. The history lessons in the form of games are an unusual addition to traditional education, and stand on par with other educational and scientific events held at the Tavricheskiy Palace, such as international scientific conferences like “Current Issues of Parliamentarianism: History and Modernity” (“Readings in the Tavricheskiy”), in which leading experts in the field of parliamentary history participate.