Vladimir Putin: BRICS United by Principles of Openness, Justice and Equality

11 July 2024

Vladimir Putin: BRICS United by Principles of Openness, Justice and Equality

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, which took place at the Tavricheskiy Palace – the IPA CIS headquarters.

The Head of State mentioned that the main theme of the Forum is “The Role of Parliaments in Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security” and it highlights the nature of the fundamental global transformations underway today.

“Your open discussions, the face-to-face conversations between legislators representing their voters fully align with the principles that underpin BRICS philosophy. These include consideration of each other’s interests, reliance on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty of nations and their right to determine their own development trajectories. These principles are close and understandable to all states parties of the BRICS group, which is growing rapidly and gaining a qualitatively new influence on the global dynamics and developments”, – President stated.

Vladimir Putin is confident that participants of the Forum will make a significant contribution to the socioeconomic progress of the BRICS countries, and to their citizens’ prosperity. They would certainly do the utmost to create a more just, democratic, multipolar and multilateral world.

“Let me remind you that the main goal of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship this year is to create the most favourable conditions for consistent development of all its members. I am convinced that, by acting together in unity, we will be able to fulfill our countries’ potential in the economy, investment, technology, and human capital; to strengthen the positive impact of BRICS on global developments and make the world safer and more harmonious”, – added the Head of State.

The President mentioned that this year the number of the BRICS member states has reached ten. Every state is unique and carries its centuries-old culture, customs and traditions, building its own model of socio-economic and political development.

He brings into focus that one of the association’s priorities is to achieve positive changes in the global economy. Moreover, a great focus is made on increasing the share of national currencies in trade and investment, as well as creating safe and reliable financial instruments and mechanisms for mutual payments. Growing humanitarian and cultural contacts also plays a special role in establishing more trusting, strong and long-term bonds between states.

“Openness, justice and equality are the principles that unite the BRICS countries. Parliamentary forums and conferences play a truly enormous role in promoting these principles in global affairs. True, BRICS does not have its own official parliamentary organisation at this stage, but I believe that this idea will definitely be materialised somewhere down the road. And I am sure that your forum will contribute to this. Most importantly, such meetings have already proved to be an example of trust, mutual support and free dialogue, they promote the organisation’s status and its global influence”, – stated Vladimir Putin.

The 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum took place on 11-12 July in Saint-Petersburg. Representatives from Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, the UAE, Russia, South Africa, South Africa and the Inter-Parliamentary Union attended the Forum. Delegations of the Commonwealth countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have also arrived at the forum. All in all, about 400 participants from 17 countries gathered at the Tavrichesky Palace.

The theme of the forum is “The Role of Parliaments in Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”. The CIS heads of parliaments took part in the plenary session “The Role of Parliaments in Enhancing the Efficiency of the System of International Relations and Ensuring its Democratization”.

Photo: kremlin.ru