IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health

The IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health was established to improve the model legislative base in the field of health protection, maternal and child health care, sanitation and hygiene; development of medical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, use and expertise of medicines and medical technologies; organization of medical insurance; ecological safety and favorable environment; formation of healthy life style, development of physical culture.

The Expert Advisory Board’s greatest attention is paid to the prospect of creating a legal framework that would primarily regulate the organization of medical care for CIS citizens, who is in a Commonwealth country of which they are not citizens. Interaction of the Commonwealth countries in resolving the issues of public health protection becomes even more important in connection with the development of globalization processes, mass migration of the population, open borders, development of the common economic space of the CIS.

The IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health is the main developer of the CIS Interstate Cooperation Program for Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes.

An important activity of the Expert Advisory Board is also the prospect of developing clinical guidelines. The use of global-level tools to prepare clinical guidelines at the regional level, taking into account the specifics of the CIS region, can involve both lawmakers and clinical practitioners in the preparation of guidelines.

The Expert Advisory Board cooperates with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, in particular, in disseminating the Healthy Cities Project in the CIS region.

Representatives of international organizations take an active part in the meetings of the Expert Advisory Board: The International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Fund for Population Activities and others, which enables the main lines of development of international law to be taken into account fullest possible and creates prospects for further successful development of law-making activities in the field of protection.

Members of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health

SHCHERBUK Yury Alexandrovich – Chair of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor