
  • 17-18 October 2024
    Meeting of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Ecology and Environmental Management
  • 17-18 October 2024
    Workshop on adaptation to climate change
  • 17-18 October 2024
    Roundtable dedicated to volunteering
  • 27 October 2024
    Participation of the IPA CIS International Observers in monitoring the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • 12 September - 31 October 2024
    International Student Internet-Olympiad “Electoral Systems of the World's Countries” dedicated to the International Day of Democracy
  • 19-20 November 2024
    Participation in the International Forum “Commonwealth of Fashion”
  • 21 November 2024
    International Conference "Election and Referendum Observation: Past, Present and Future" (on the 30th anniversary of the start of election observation by the IPA CIS)
  • 21 November 2024
    Session of the IPA CIS Council
  • 21-22 November 2024
    Meeting of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (YIPA CIS)