Legal Framework for Holding Presidential Elections Discussed in Uzbekistan

01 July 2021

Legal Framework for Holding Presidential Elections Discussed in Uzbekistan

International experts took part in the conference “Constitutional and Legal Framework of Presidential Elections: the Experience of Uzbekistan and Foreign Countries”. The Conference took place in Gulistan, Uzbekistan.

The main themes of the Conference were the legislative support of the electoral rights of citizens and the participation of political parties in electoral campaign, the responsibility of the subjects of the electoral process, international standards of electoral law and election observation. First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, Academician Akmal Saidov moderated the event.

Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat – Director of the IPA CIS IIMDD Ivan Mushket took part in the Conference via videoconferencing. In his report, Ivan Mushket focused on the peculiarities of observation of the presidential elections, noting that the practice of holding of such elections in the Commonwealth countries has similar features. Director of the IPA CIS IIMDD stressed that respect for national sovereignty and impartiality remained the most important principles of the activities of the IPA CIS observers.

Akmal Saidov, commenting on the relevance of the issues raised in the report, informed the meeting participants that just the other day, Tashkent had hosted the CIS International Expert Forum on Information Security. He also noted the active participation of the IPA CIS observers in monitoring the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan.

Consul of the Republic of Uzbekistan in St. Petersburg Alisher Babayev also took part in the Conference from the Tavricheskiy Palace via videoconferencing.