Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observer Team took part in the final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission

29 June 2017

Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observer Team took part in the final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission

Final press conference of the CIS Observer Mission at the elections of members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan took place in Astana. The press conference was opened by First Deputy Chair of the CIS Executive Committee Viktor Guminskiy, head of the CIS Observer Mission at the parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan. Coordinator of the Observer Team, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Ilyas Umakhanov drew the attention of journalists and guests of the press conference to the results of the long-term monitoring of the elections conducted by the IIMDD IPA CIS, which are reflected in the Findings on the Compliance with the Legislation regulating the current elections.

Ilyas Umakhanov stressed the high level of organization of the elections by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and territorial election commissions.